
Tired of getting blocked while scraping the web?

Our API handles proxies, javascript rendering, and more to ensure you can scrape the web without getting blocked.


Get the data you need for less offers a fully managed web scraping API at the cost of self hosting.

Pay Directly For What You Use

Stop paying the 90%+ markup other web scraping APIs charge you. We charge on average 50% less than other top web scraping APIs with the same level of performance.

Rotating DataCenter, ISP, Residential, and Mobile Proxies

We offer various pools of rotating proxies for your exclusive use. Including data center, ISP, residential, and mobile proxies. You're guaranteed to get around blocks.

Javascript Rendering & Execution

Render and execute arbitrary javascript with our browser automation API.

Only Pay For Successful Requests

Never get charged for requests that fail. We only charge when your request receives a 200 (or other successful status code as defined in your api request) status code..

Lightweight Client Libraries

Our client libraries (currently for node and python) are lightweight and performant.

Continuous Updates

We're constantly upgrading our service to mitigate the latest bot detection techniques. Web scraping is a cat and mouse game and we pride ourselves on bypassing the latest bot detection as soon as it appears.


Simple pricing

All plans include the first 1000 credits/month for free!

Side Project

For small projects.

$49.99 /month
  • Includes 300,000 Credits
  • Additional credits at $0.17/1000
  • Unlimited Concurrency
  • Choose from datacenter, ISP, residential or mobile proxies.
  • Render JavaScript
  • Bypass all common anti-scraping measures
Get started


For up and coming businesses.

$99.99 /month
  • Includes 1,500,000 Credits
  • Additional credits at $0.07/1000
  • Unlimited Concurrency
  • Choose from datacenter, ISP, residential or mobile proxies.
  • Render JavaScript
  • Bypass all common anti-scraping measures
Get started
Most popular


For large web scraping projects.

$249.99 /month
  • Includes 6,000,000 Credits
  • Additional credits at $0.056/1000
  • Unlimited Concurrency
  • Choose from datacenter, ISP, residential or mobile proxies.
  • Render JavaScript
  • Bypass all common anti-scraping measures
Get started

Frequently Asked Questions

For any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

Web Scraping Done Right

Get the data you need without the hassle of managing infrastructure or the cost of paying for 90%+ margins from other API providers.

Get Scraping Today